When you are looking to hire a remodeler, you’re usually drawn in by the before-and-after pictures and by the potential of your new space. While those photos are attractive and grab your attention, BEWARE — they don’t tell the whole story. What happens in the time between those before-and-after photos is just as important as […]
Read MoreIf you have overstuffed notebooks full of kitchen decor ideas and dog-eared magazine pages with little resource information to guide you, it may be time to organize your kitchen renovation ideas into a cohesive and accessible resource. As you plan your remodel project, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the volume of attractive options […]
Read MoreClassic bathrooms are never out of style. While the latest colors, accessories, materials and bathroom fixtures can be appealing and add “zing” to your space, sticking with timeless white porcelain, soothing colors and quality materials will never disappoint. Traditional bath spaces rely on the details to achieve their timeless appeal. As an added bonus, the […]
Read MoreCountry kitchens have a feeling of home and comfort that is always appealing. Sometimes termed farmhouse style or cottage kitchens, the warmth stems from a feeling rather than a temperature, and they recall pleasant family gatherings, holiday dinners, the great scents of a simmering stew or a freshly baked pie, laughter and congeniality. Country Kitchen […]
Read MoreThere is something immensely satisfying about a rustic setting that looks as if it has evolved over time into a timeless statement of perfection. It’s the look of a Tuscany farmhouse, a Greek Island “taverna” or an Irish keeping room on a windswept bluff. Rustic, in terms of kitchen design can also be spiced with […]
Read MoreTransitional design, rather than being a nondescript look, can be an exciting blend of historical elements with futuristic convenience, melding the best of past, present and future into one harmonious whole. In terms of kitchen design, the warmth of a traditional keeping room may be the backdrop for trendy colors, thoroughly modern appliances, and features […]
Read MoreYou may not remember the days of coppertone, harvest gold and avocado kitchen appliances, and you might think that those turquoise, hot pink and candy apple red refrigerators are a brand new trend, but saying that everything old is new again is at least partially true today. Retro looks in appliances are some of the […]
Read MoreNot only has smart technology revolutionized business and communications, but it is now marching into the home, changing forever the way we will live our lives. Wireless security systems and remote monitoring functions are commonplace, but new realities can still surprise and startle. Appliances that “think” and “talk to one other” and kitchen functions that can be programmed […]
Read MoreIf your bathroom isn’t keeping pace with the demands you place on it, or if its “face” needs a lift to brighten your spirits, consider some upgrades that can make a big impression. Improving the look and function of a bathroom doesn’t have to mean a major redo or cost a fortune; you can accomplish custom […]
Read MoreKitchen remodels are among the most popular home projects in the country. They are also some of the most expensive. But, what if you just want a new look and some fresh appeal? How do you decide when enough is enough in terms of planning a kitchen renovation. Here are some things to consider, and […]
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